You cannot keep spring from coming
I pass a "new" Song Thrush every morning now while I walk Rosie my ten-year-old dog. I know she is a "new" Thrush because I've been listening out for her since the other Thrushes hunkered down for the winter months.
So, for about ten mornings now, as the sun is still not even in the sky, but the horizon is brightening a little, I stop and listen to her literally scream her song out into the world. And I hear the other Thrushes across the moor respond in the distance. And by golly does that Thrush pour her heart out into her song.
I listen so carefully it fills my entire world, and I see her in shadow straining at the sky, beak pointed upwards… "world hear my song!!!"....and she doesn't care if the world hears or not, but it hears, and I hear it. Oh, how I hear it.
She will do that for three spring and summer seasons at most regardless....and I will meet her as often as I can and her one fully lived life.
She shows me how to live.
The deepening trust in life allows us to let go of our tendency to control everything, to incessantly prepare for the future and tense against what’s around the corner. Instead, we can let life be just as it is.
Only in letting be do we gain insight into the nature of reality and feel our full aliveness and joy. As Pablo Neruda says, “You can cut all the flowers, but you cannot keep spring from coming.”
Life wants to renew and express itself. Consciousness wants to awaken, even within you.
And it’s bound to do so no matter.
So, keep looking, stay curious.
Keep changing, you just get more who you really are.
Get stuck, accept it, repeat yourself as long as its interesting.
Keep doing what you love.
Everything is alive.
Everything has its own life.
Everything lives inside us.
Live with the world inside you.
It matters that you care.
It matters that you feel.
It matters that you notice.
It matters that life lives through you.
Contentment is life living through you.
Joy is life living through you.
Don’t be afraid.
Look, feel, let life take you by the hand.
Let life live through you.