Who told you?

I will not fear the fear within, or the wounds and memories of hurt. 

I will allow them their place and their voice.  

When pain comes, I will listen. 

I will make space to be the ear my wounds are most in need of. 

I will listen so that my distress has room to leave through the door of my presence. 

I am allowed to be in all of the ways I need, without shame or embarrassment. 

This is how I free myself. 

From recycling my hurt. 


Can you remember when you stopped allowing yourself to feel? 

Can you remember when you began coping instead of living? 

Who told you that you were not allowed? 


Please know this was an accident.  

All of this denying who we really are was an accident. 


You are allowed. 


No one said this to us though. 

Fear came and upset flourished.  

Things broke. We broke.  

We hurt and we yelled in anguish to the world around us. 


When we felt our deepest heartache no one said we were allowed to simply feel all of it. 


Instead, we were taught to hide, deny, and abandon ourselves.  

To condemn the pain, instead of comfort it. 


We ignored our feelings and hampered our bodies inborn process of healing. 


No one knew any better. 

But now we know that our bodies are here to speak to us. 

In our upset they are asking for our loving attention not abandonment. 

Let us give ourselves permission to thaw our frozen emotions and seeming fragility.  

Let us give vulnerability a throne and a voice. 

Let’s give ourselves back to ourselves. 

Listening to our needs, by honouring our intricate system of sensitivity, we can find freedom. 


Let your feelings be a part of you. Not apart from you. Allow your feelings of disconnect to help guide and instruct you.  


When we let go of our resistance and shame and begin a dialogue with our feelings we strengthen the muscle of our heart and develop a strong spine of compassion. 

In shifting our perspective to one of acceptance we gradually begin fostering peace and love on the inside. 


It then leaks out into the world and those around us. 


This is the power of inner acceptance. 


Please remember, to bend to the needs of expression and feeling that knock at the door of your heart. 


When something surfaces that demands your attention, bow your head toward it.  

Let all come as it asks.  

We need not fight against ourselves. 


We need only to allow….and set free. 





The power of seeing