A gentle practice, to access your inner source of hope and optimism.
This is useful anytime, and perhaps especially when you are stuck, feeling overwhelmed or disheartened and in a muddy place of fear and insecurity….
If you have found yourself overwhelmed with feelings of fear and despair both inside yourself and for the world, then know you are not alone in feeling this.
There is a way for us to cultivate optimism, rather than remaining caught in our concern and pain.
We are not wrong to feel distressed and heartache. In fact, we are right to feel all of these things. We can sense subtle currents of disharmony both inside of ourselves and in our surroundings.
So, when feelings of anxiety, foreboding, and despair arise, it is important we recognise that our body is signalling to us that something is amiss.
Something loving and essential is rising inside of us which is in opposition to the fraught frequency we are experiencing.
We are being asked to restore balance and harmony in any way we can, and the best place to start is within ourself.
So, take a moment to settle into your body right now.
Yes right now.
Plant your feet squarely on the ground and be still.
Soften the muscles behind your eyes and read slowly.
Relax your shoulders.
Relax your jaw.
Relax your stomach.
Let go.
Take a few deep full breaths to calm your system.
Now send your attention inside, and find your way gently into the softest most loving aspect of your being. Do you feel it in there? Let it become unguarded and ready to receive and give love.
Breathing further into this loving sensation I want you to gently place one hand over your heart area and repeat the mantra a few times…
“I trust in myself and the goodness of this world”
“I trust in myself and the goodness of this world”
Resting here. I’d like you to send some loving thoughts and kind feelings to your body.
And now do the same to anything outside of you that you feel is needing that love also. Whatever comes to mind, project this sensation and these feelings towards them.
Because behind the pain, behind the fear, behind the distress, is something vulnerable simply asking to be loved. That is all. It is that simple.
So, use your power now to direct that love both to yourself and the world around you.
Take as long as you need here my friend. It’s ok to take the time. Luxuriate in your loving kindness.
You are stepping out from the fraught frequency and shaking your love awake my friend.
This is always here for you when you need it.
One breath, one thought, one caring moment away. You can be restored in a moment.
Always there inside of you.
Now, when you are ready, take a few more deep breaths and come back fully into the world around you.
That wasn’t so hard right? Giving yourself permission to be loving.
Thank you for doing the loving and generous thing you just have.
We need to step inside of ourselves, to give this love to ourselves and the world around us.
This we are capable of.
This is what will give us hope…
Because when you find it inside yourself, like a miracle, you will begin to see it everywhere you look.