Unfinished projects
It’s been a while. I noticed I’d built up twenty or so half-started, half-hearted blog posts. And in the noticing of this pile of unfinished work I was reminded of a useful little practice. The act of gratitude for getting stuck. And being grateful for when my mind races and my emotions are out of control. And thankful for being my own worst critic….Realising the joy and peace of mind that is available in accepting me and the world as it is.
So whether your project is sewing a dress, reading a book, writing a book, building a home, or learning a lesson on your journey, learn to live comfortably with unfinished work. Whatever you’re working on, whatever you’re in the midst of doesn’t need to be finished, in perfect order, with all the loose ends in place for you to be happy.
For too many years, we worried and fretted, denying ourselves happiness until we could see the whole picture, learn the entire lesson, cross every t and dot each i. That meant we spent a lot of stressful time waiting for that one moment when the project was complete.
Enjoy all the stages of the process you’re in. The first moments when the germ of the idea finds you. The time before you begin, when the seed lies dormant in the ground, getting ready to grow. The beginning, and all the days throughout the middle. Those bleak days when it looks like you’re stuck and won’t break through. Those exciting days when the project, the lesson, the life you’re building takes shape and form.
Be happy now.
Enjoy the creative process.
The process of creating your life, yourself, and the project you are working on - today.
Don’t wait for those finishing moments to take pleasure in your work and your life.
Find joy all along the way.
“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Whatever is showing up, and however you are being in response, practice having gratitude for all of it, and see what happens....