The hidden messages in shadows…
We all know when looking back at our lives we learned to kiss the feet of a difficult experience. No matter the pain, the discomfort, or sorrow, there appeared to be something at work. A protagonist providing the framework for our expansion. Even if we don’t know who or what we at least came to understand the gift there for us.
Our entire lives are saturated with these gifts. At the time tempted as we were to fear, to control, or to condemn the world around us, we eventually received the gifts from the shadows. All these difficulties and messengers are portals to your freedom. Recall all of the times you learned to love and overcame and were given more freedom within yourself because of it.
Once we understand this we can remain grounded. We can rest in knowing we are on our way to transcending a previous way of being. We are able to walk with our eyes wide open and hearts receiving, no longer lost in fear, anger and worry.
Look now towards that which you are resisting. Go on, take a moment to find that hardness within you, or the shadow you are ignoring.
And as you bring it into your awareness remember also that every breath is supporting you without question or obligation. It is lovingly supporting you. Right now. This breath. And the next.
Stay with it.
And as you sit in the place that is providing you discomfort at this moment, notice all of the ways you are trying to push it away. Feel the resentment you are throwing at it.
Now stop.
Look at it with love and gratitude. Realise that right now, you simply are unable to see the gift within it. And now trust the belief that it is coming to you. They always do.
The gift will be real. The lesson in its centre. Its purpose is to help your higher self to be realised. It serves to allow you to move into a transformed place. You must be here now with it in order to move beyond that which is restraining your essence.
Your liberation is behind every experience like this that you’ve been able to overcome.
This is a path to your expansion.
More precisely, masked beyond all of these things, are all of the gifts you are specifically in need of. Imagine that!
You are about to receive the nourishment required to grow, and to rediscover your wholeness. So stay with it.
With this perspective, you can learn to enjoy all the experiences you encounter.
With fear now unmasked, rest a while here, explore this shadow within while you read of another’s.
Fear came again to the girl’s door. She woke with it there tightly wrapped around her chest cavity. Like fingers wrapped around her rib cage. She threw hateful thoughts towards it. Just great. It’s back! Will this cycle ever end? She squirmed and struggled under its force. She tried to ignore it. She wished it away so hard.
Then a voice came in and offered her resolution. The voice said, have you ever wondered if this fear haunting you serves more of a purpose? Have you ever asked this force living around your heart from where it came, and what it wants you to hear?
Bewildered she’d never thought about why it had come.
She breathed into the forest cocooning her heart and softened to it. She let her fear speak.
Dear tension living in my chest, what do you want me to hear, what do you wish to say to me?
And as she released, to her amazement, it answered. As will yours.
I wish to tell you, you are alive. To remind you of the life inside you wishing to be lived more fully. To remind you there is good work for you to do, in the name of your deepest nature. The more you bring your sweet light, the more I will release my grasp. I am here to remind you of your heart’s desire. If you live more, the less I will hold you tight. Don’t be afraid to feel me when I am here. Face me with courage, I am here to serve your greater good. Fear does not have to be so dark. It does not have to be something you fear. I am a messenger of coming, to more peace and wholeness.
And then it lifted. She sat in wonder and realised nothing was worth wishing away, even her fear required worshipping as it served to bring her into love and alignment.
Imagine that? Worshipping your fear.
You, like others, may experience different fears and emotions. Worry, panic, anger, the list is long. Take a moment to consider all of these energies humming in your world. Take a moment to ask yourself if you have chosen to face these moments. Are you not opening to them, because you are unwilling to face them?
We often resist or fight to avoid them.
We rarely question what they have come to tell us.
And even more rarely consider these emotions as messengers of love.
Nothing in our lives is meant to be feared or forced away. Acceptance of these places is our way to find peace in our lives. Each emotion can be released by loving, softening to it. Just asking from where it came and what it wishes so strongly for us to see or hear. All holds value and purpose.
Keys to doors we’ve been wanting to open.
Breathe yourself open. Until all the space in you feels fluid and soft. Release tensions and blockages that are restricting the healthy flow of life within you. Take a moment to befriend the spaces in you that feel hard and closed.
Let them soften, expand, allow them to speak if they need to.
See their presence as one of love.
Shift from a perspective of resentment into acceptance.
Try to honour life in all of its mysterious ways. To come to a place of acceptance of all things. To release judgment and criticism of the process, and the visitors that appear in all their forms.
Try to come to a place where you can see the beauty in both the dark and light. To see the only way into more light, by courageously asking your fears to speak and allowing them to deliver what they keep attempting to.
Try your best to face the dark. Allow it to transform into sweet pools of light, and the messages it intends for you, to bring you more peace and alignment.
And all the love you are entitled to.