The biggest lie
For the First Time By Liliana Kohann
“Words never spoken
letters never sent
feeling not embraced
rules – never bent.
Today I stand alone
with my loneliness and fear
but for the first time
my own heart – I hear.”
The biggest lie we have been told is that we don’t have the power or abilities to shift.
The biggest lie we have been told is that we must continue down this road that hurts our minds, our bodies, and our hearts. The biggest lie we have been told is to keep looking down and following the well-trodden road, rather than towards the sun.
If we are not what we have done, not what our parents or caretakers told us we were, if we are not the story or the label or what the world placed on us, who are we?
Can you hear a string being plucked inside longing to make a song of your own, to move against the tide of the story you have inherited, the pattern and rhythm of the past?
A part of us wants to live as if it is not besieged.
It lives outside of this old rhythm and plays a song in its own heart.
Whatever courage you have to move into this sound, find it.
Look to step onto the other road. As the one we are currently on is pathed with sad things.
Whatever longing we feel, THAT is the true path.
We have the opportunity to grow in wisdom by moving ever so gently to another song.
One yet to be written but being sung nevertheless in some room inside of us.
So, acknowledge the movie we have innocently been born into. The clothes that are tight and shorn. And listen ever so attentively. Listen and feel.
There at the borders of your being is an open sky. Radiant with a humming silence that calls to you by name. Even just one moment spent recognising this rhythm will pull parts of us in towards it. And slowly we begin to reorganise the cells of our body. Slowly we move away from the well-run roads of our inherited pain and let the old limbs of our tree die. We reach with bud towards the light.
Grow awareness of what’s taking place in your body. You can choose to lean away from your inherited suffering and train yourself to write a new story. We need to listen to the wisdom in our bodies and choose a direction that makes us feel well, healthy, and strong.