Step right up!

Let go of the need to prove yourself to others. To parents. To people from the past. To people in your life today. 


Could it be that the one you’ve really been trying to prove something to is yourself? 


Imagine it now.  


Letting go of all that heaviness.  


All that neediness. 


Sigh it away right now. 


Wow. How much lighter does that feel? 


The answer is simple. Learn to approve of yourself. Love and accept yourself the way you are today. Then step right up and take your place in the universe. 


A simple answer yes, and undoubtedly much, (often much much), harder in practice. Why? Well because most of the time we don’t even notice when we’re doing it. It’s subconscious and insidious. And also, because accompanying it can be a burning belief that we aren’t good enough, reinforced constantly by our negativity bias to see all the times we selectively notice we feel we made a mistake. A false belief that we then need to compensate for some deficiency in ourselves in order to take our place on the planet. This is called a thinking trap. A trap because you don’t notice and it’s inaccurate. 


Well, if I tell you, then maybe you’ll start to notice you’re doing it. And trust me, when you notice it, your relationship with it will change instantly. You’ll have brought this thinking trap into your conscious and in doing so suddenly give yourself choice. And that’s the critical step, and why the relationship with it will change. You won’t be falling subconsciously into the trap. And over time, your mind will be less inclined to fall into this trap, and then one day you’ll suddenly realise that you haven’t done it for a day, and then for a week, and then…well who knows. So, the practice is to simply notice you’re doing it…. 


And remember, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone. You’re fine just the way you are. You have energy. You have vitality. You have agency. You have particular gifts and talents. You have been learning your lessons just right in your life.  


And wonderfully those lessons have led you here. So, my friend, why don’t you take a moment. To rest, and breathe. To be still, right now. Drop down into yourself. Go on, into the chair that you are sitting on. Sink into your inner calm. Breath.  


And then let your inner, wiser, more honest and heartfelt voice, find the clarity and strength to tell you why. 


May your practice and search for clarity be energising!



What comes first?


Yes, I am afraid