Are we the dreamers of our lives?
Are our lives driven by the will, that self of which we are largely unconscious, are we dreamers of our lives?
The opportunity is there for each person with the courage to seek a destiny.
Crossing from the conscious to the unconscious is usually involved. Into the void perhaps, the ocean, the desert, the dark forest, finding yourself in a strange city. An ascent even. Going beyond the horizon. But it is always into the unknown.
Ahhh…the utter wonder and undeniable truths from those flashes of insight and knowing before the conscious mind comes back again and closes the door. Be with them.
There is no dualism in the unknown, no right or wrong, true or false, good or bad, and that is why we struggle even more with it, as we practice and look for control, certainty, dualism all the time. Let go of this in order to run the gauntlet and experience the visceral certainty.
Once you have crossed the threshold, if it really is your adventure to be on, help will come along. Things that will guide you and keep you on the narrow path. You will be tested, and the tests will be unique to you as they will depend on what’s required. What you have built and put in the way.
The deeper you go the heavier the resistance. What you have deeply repressed you are entering and passing through, the unintegrated self. This is where the help is required.
And you will bring out that which you went to recover, your unrealised and unutilised potential. You will come back to the world of the light and integrate this fuller you into a rational life.
Which is difficult.
In fact, bringing the gift back can be more difficult than entering the abyss in the first place. What you bring is something that the world lacks, that is why you went to get it. And the world doesn’t even know that it needs this light you are bringing.
But what if no one seems to care about this great gift you are bringing? Will you retreat at this point, a newly integrated whole that cares not for the world?
Or will you say, “What do they want?”
You could give them what they think they need and say, “I’ll earn enough money this way and then stop and then do my big thing.” It never happens, because you’ve created a whole pitch for your expression that doesn’t allow you to get out what you had before, it gets lost. But you’ll have a public career, which is something.
Or you can find some aspect of the domain into which you have come that can receive some portion of what you have to give. Helping them to realise the need, what you needed, and what you have got to give. Offering up what you have found in measures that are proper to their ability to receive. This requires a good deal of compassion and patience.
But you will find if you make connection with society in this way, that you will be able to deliver your untarnished or compromised message. You can be your gift.