The noise, the fear, the confusion. It can all stop.
Last week I wrote about the consequences of the illusory internal models we create for ourselves in our search for acceptance, safety, and stability. Let us go a little deeper into how this happens and the irony of how we believe the façades we are working so hard to maintain are our pathways to peace and happiness when ultimately, they are doing exactly the opposite for us if we dare to look closely enough.
It's important to realise that it’s not just up to you what thoughts you cling to and what person you create. Society plays a big part. There are acceptable and unacceptable social behaviours for almost everything – how to sit, how to walk, how to speak, how to dress, and how to feel about things. How does our society ingrain these mental and emotional structures within us? When we do it well, we are rewarded with hugs and showered with positive accolades. When we don’t do it well, we are punished, either physically, mentally, or emotionally.
Why do we let this happen to us? Why do we care so much whether other people accept the façade we put out there? It all comes down to understanding why we are clinging to our self-concept. If we stop clinging, we will see why the tendency to cling was there. If we let go of our façade and don’t trade it in for a new one, our thoughts and emotions will become unanchored and begin passing through us. It can be a very scary experience. We can feel panic deep inside and struggle to get our bearings. This is what we feel when something very important outside does not fit our inner model. The façade ceases to work and begins to crumble. When it can no longer protect us, we can experience great fear and panic. However, we’ll find that if we’re willing to face that sense of panic, there is a way to go past it. We can go further back into the consciousness that is experiencing it, and the panic will stop. Then there will be great peace, like nothing we’ve ever felt.
It can stop. The noise, the fear, the confusion, the constant changing of these inner energies. It can all stop. We thought we had to protect ourselves, so we grabbed onto the things that were coming at us and used them to hide. We took what we could get our hands on, and we started to cling in order to build solidity. But we can let go of what we’re clinging to and not play this game. We just have to take the risk of letting it all go and daring to face the fear that was driving us. Then we can pass through that part of us, and it will all be over. It will stop.
No more struggling, just peace.
And all the gifts, wonder, and well-being available to us on the other side.