Life is not a problem to be solved

From my perspective the invitation to you from my posts in “Soul on Deck” so far is to realise that the will to be oneself is itself both a courageous act and at the same time inevitable. I hope you have enjoyed my offerings and those of some wonderful poets who are beacons to us all.  

This post again alludes to your creative soul’s quest as the source of liberation. A way by which to snatch the eternal out of the ever fleeting. To experience the telling shiver of truth about your own life.   

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived. 

There is nothing to it but to yield to it.  There you have it. Simple, ironic, and utterly heroic. 

Beyond this post, I hope to offer up more in the way of experiences and practices that have helped me personally and those I’ve worked with, and so may in turn be useful to you, with your inner journey and traversing this infinite landscape.  

And from time to time I will revert to offering glimpses into the abyss and the treasures that lay only on the other side and nowhere else. These will be for those that are steeling themselves for the journey ahead or feel unsteady on their feet. And of course, please do let me know if you have a preference for purposeful practices to try, or for more poetic encouragement. 

So for now, my fellow explorer, here is one more loving provocation….. 

Have you become attentive to the beautiful creature living within you? 

Can you still your mind and body to listen more deeply? 

See if you can follow the threads that have led you to this deeper, more hidden aspect of you.   

Turn towards yourself.  

Allow your heart to take residence once more inside of you.  

It’s time to remember.  

You were born to feel all of this.  

Waste no more of your time worrying something has gone wrong.  

Life is in your favour.  

You are in your favour. 

You are remembering what you are. Rejoice! 

This life force inside of you is renewable and yours to offer and enjoy. To radiate, to drink, to rest in. 

Returning to your true nature is the only thing that will set you free. 

Your heart needs you to not be afraid any longer…..  



Fulfilment is not a competitive field


Your most important pursuit