Neutral territory…
For millennia it seems as if the human race has been at war with itself. Hurting each other. Creating division. Separating.
And similarly many of us have been at war with ourselves for as long as we can remember. Disconnecting. Creating separation within us.
I have spent years judging myself and my experiences. And as I have opened up to my emotions, I have spent time and energy judging those too. Often, I would expend as much energy judging and labelling the experience or emotion, as I did living through it. I have run in terror from grief. I have attacked myself repeatedly for experiencing anger. I have put antagonistic labels on guilt and fear.
Now I am learning the power of neutrality. It speeds my growth process - the time it takes me to learn my lessons. If what I’m going through isn’t “wrong”, then I am free to have that experience fully and embrace the lessons it has to offer.
Neutrality brings peace and the freedom to learn.
As we continue our journey, we can learn to find the peace offered by this neutral territory within. We let ourselves have our experiences, the ones WE have chosen, the ones WE’VE created, the ones WE’VE been given.
We let each burst of energy we need to feel pass through without judgement. Was that good or bad? It really was neither. It was just energy.
And we learn to let others have their emotions and lessons too.
Through guidance and practice we can discover the remarkable power of being in this neutral territory. A place where there can be no war, no right or wrong.
It is sacred inner ground that can help you process, resolve, and integrate that which you have not.
It can help you return to and then retain your wholeness.
Peace and the freedom to learn.