There is a beautiful creature
There is a beautiful creature
Poem by Hafiz, translated by Daniel Ladinsky.
“There is a beautiful creature living
in a hole you have
so at night I set fruit and grains and little pots of wine and milk
beside your soft earthen
and I often sing to you,
but still, my dear, you do not come out.
I have fallen in love with someone
who is hiding inside
of you.
We should talk about this problem,
otherwise I will never
leave you
We have become so afraid of entering the place of stillness and not doing. We have come to believe the more that we do, the faster we produce, the more we become. To be busy means to be successful.
So, we work tirelessly day after day trying to recreate and replicate, forgetting a very integral part of the process, that true wealth grows first from nurturing the relationship within oneself.
If we keep busy, we forget to listen to and can ignore the strings within that play the melody of our true calling.
But not forever.
We must learn to allow one another the space to breathe in, the time to be in all our wonderous simplicity, without excuse. Allow the vastness of our interior worlds to open in front of us and to walk into them fully.
You will become more by taking this time not less.
Listening, sculpting, and watching your visions take shape and go into the world is one of the sweetest manifestations of life. It fills us and gives us a great sense of purpose….